

I think a lot of what makes up life is what occupies our eye space. What we look at tells us a lot about who we are. The places we've been, things that we see, and experiences that we live make us. After living in Peru for over 7 months, I have seen many things. Both the ugly and the beautiful. The things that occupy my eye space here are different than back at home. At home, I saw big buildings. Cars. People on cell phones. Hardly anyone outside. I saw movies. I saw homework. I saw a world of worrying and of schedules. I saw gas prices and the news. 

But here?

What do I see?

What occupies my eye space?

Well, today I saw a man sitting on top of a tall yellow tractor in downtown Pucallpa completely jamming out all by himself. On a guitar with at least 2 broken strings.
I also saw a truck that was painted my favorite color - puke green.
I saw Jenessa down over a liter of Cebada at lunchtime for 5 soles. It was hilarious. 
I saw at least one hundred little black bugs in the split peas. Then we washed them and cooked them.
I saw the laughs of my Peruvian brothers as they made fun of me for breaking the sink this morning.
I saw a family of 4 crammed on a motorcycle. Both of the kids drooped over with the sleepies. 
I saw cows eating and banana trees growing alongside of the highway. 
I saw a cart filled to the brim with fruit. The colors were so pretty. 
I saw a group of old men laughing and joking with each other over some beers on the side of the road.
I saw myself in the mirror - it had been a while. 
I saw motokars. One of my new favorita ways of transportation. 
I saw a sea of green. The Peruvian countryside is one of the prettiest things ever.
I saw homes. The houses here no longer look like shacks to me like they did before. 
I saw Pucallpa. It's about to become alive when the sun goes down. 
I saw my hippie friends on the corner setting up their handmade jewelery to sell. 

I saw glimpses of God. Because He is in all things beautiful.

And now I leave you with this. What do you see? What occupies your eye space? After you read this, why don't you step outside and see all the things that you can see. Look. With eyes and heart wide open. You will be amazed at what you find.

1 comment:

  1. i see the warming tennessee night. as the seasons change so does the feel here at southern. its two weeks before finals and the last day of school before summer session begins, and everyone scatters to the four winds to do something different for a while. with the days counting down i see people stressed, deadlines approaching, and seniors getting ready graduate and leave. but now as i look out at the dark quiet evening, all i see is rain. its storming out here, but yet there is still peace. the bugs are out and people are coming home(SV)probably from a long day of work. the night is full of all things, new smells, distance laughter, cars pulling up to varies apartments casting their lights and creating shadows; the night is brisk, windy but warm. i see God as he waters the earth and feeds the plants, flowers, and trees, i feel the love, and beauty he has placed here in happy valley as the flowers come to bloom and southern students arise from hibernation and embrace the sun.
