
What I like

1.) Minimalistic magazine spreads. Less really is more appealing.

2.) Portraits. Especially candid ones. Black and white, please.

3. Wood floors.

4. Apple chips

5. Scribbly drawings.

6. Mmmmmmmate.

7. Typography. Especially hand lettering.

8. Feet shoes. Yikers! :]

9. Architecture.

10. Dreadlocks.

11. Yarn and all crafty things pertaining to yarn.

12. Forts.

13. Mustaches.

14. Good ideas. New and fresh ways of thinking.

15. This. Great album. Great art. It doesn't get much better.

16. Nice hands.

17. Christmastime. Don't mess with Christmas.

18. The wash behind my house. A great place for thought, rotting citrus, graffiti, longboarding, and just an all around good time.

19. Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. I'm not finished with it yet, but it's an awesome read. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-check it out.

20. Drawing lines.

And the list goes on...


  1. I LOVE APPLE CHIPS TOO!!! yu-um!

  2. you rock. and i fully agree with all your likes. except maybe foot shoes... which freak me out a little bit.

  3. very thought provoking. the single light bulb lit up with an inspiring idea while the other bulbs absorbed the warmth of its light. Little Emma, peace to you too. I wonder do you put your toes into the toes of the shoe?
